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A collection of CLI tools written in Rust for the GNP deployment suite developed for the servers of the EduCS. This suite includes marvel, carlsen and schwarzer-turm.
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Fork of the Bitwarden client applications to customize the experience
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A fork of the bunkerweb suite with custom changes made for EduCS
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Basic components for use in gitlab
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Marvel is a tool to automatically register a domain for a set of services.
It is part of the GNP framework
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Schwarzer-Turm generates cron.d entries based on the schedule definition in the deployment.yml of a deployment in CD-Configurations
It is part of the GNP framework
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A docker image which contains rust and nodejs
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The specification for all files used in the GNP framework alongside with basic parsers for the libraries
It uses the json-type-definition RFC
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Provides custom authentication based on gitlab ssh-keys for the container-ssh instances running on the CD-Configurations server
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A helper image to simplify the deployment in CD-Configurations
It bases on kroniak/ssh-client
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Carlsen is a tool to determine automatically the best matching hosting server for CD-Configurations
It is part of the GNP framework
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A custom fork of the json-typedef code generator